Internet Based Jobs and What They’re all About

What Has Been Happening With Online Jobs?

With the rise of the internet over the past year, the necessity for internet-based jobs has exploded. From Internet Security, to Digital Marketing, to Brand Management, businesses are finding holes in their employment roster that need filling with the times, and savvy job-seekers are finding themselves suddenly very much in demand.

Internet Security

Internet security (infosec) has been thrust into the limelight over the past couple of years, but has actually been around since the 90’s. Glorified by movies like Hackers and The Matrix, the shadowy world of Information Security is not quite as thrilling as it sounds in the movies, but can be very exciting (and profitable) none the less. information securityRecently, attacks like the hack of Sony  have highlighted how vulnerable even large companies (and governments) are to online criminals and ill-doers. To save themselves from the embarrassment of being hacked, companies have been scrambling to hire Information Security Professionals in droves. Because of the high demand and relative scarcity of qualified professionals, an information security analyst can make upwards of $78,000 per year, which is not bad for a beginning position. Some companies have chosen to outsource their infosec to firms which have begun springing up to fill the job spaces, and it is therefore important to know what the best information security firms of 2016 are. We will not write them all down so you can just click that link to find them.

Digital Marketing

With over 85% of the worlds population shopping online, it is not a surprise that internet marketers have been raking in cash in the droves. Companies have also been rapidly switching to online marketing to coincide with their physical stores and keep up with their competition. This has created huge competition in the online market, which has in turned spawned SEO’s (search engine optimization experts) who are experts at ranking websites in Google. Obviously this gives the recipient a huge advantage, because they appear first for things their potential clients are looking for already.SEO Typically, internet marketers make around $65,000 per year, but the industry is growing rapidly, as more and more businesses see the demand for this very specific profession. Like information security, specialized SEO companies like are springing up everywhere. They typically provide clients with ranking solutions and other optimization and marketing options (pay per click, email marketing, and media management).

Brand/Reputation Management

Brand management goes hand-in-hand with SEO, but differs in the fact that it is more about managing the online reputation of a client. These services are somewhat less known, but are becoming increasingly popular with the creation of sites for scam reports and negative comments about businesses. Some might wonder if reputation management is worth it, but as we will explain, it is better to pay in most cases then to let it sit.

Normally these review sites would seem like a good idea, but competitors are increasingly trying to get an unfair advantage by slandering their competitions name. In these cases, a bad review or negative comment can impact a business extensively, and it is therefore important for the effected business to hire a professional reputation management service to take care of it. These professionals will outrank, or just get rid of the listing all together, restoring the companies name in the eyes of the public. This can make the difference between 100’s of thousands of dollars in income in some cases, so it is not surprising that reputation management can cost between $2,000 and $20,000 per month depending on the severity of the case.